Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Researching Digipaks and Magazine Promotions

After doing some research about how existing artists successfully promote their new singles/albums, I have found that now many artists are using DigiPaks instead of just an ordinary CD. Digipaks typically consist of a paperboard or card stock outer binding, with one or more plastic trays capable of holding a CD. I feel that by creating a Digipak it will appeal more to the target audience as not only will they be getting a CD album, they will get artists info, lyrics and more images of the artist. The image to the left shows two examples of artist digipaks; Olly Murs, and Pink. I like how it allows you to include more images and I think this is something which particulary would make it stand out more to me than an ordinary CD cover. Digipaks were originally only seen as limited edition or specialist CD products, however due to improvements in CD production and packaging printing techniques it has meant that this sleek CD packaging solution is now available at much lower quantities and at much lower prices.
This is a layout of a digipak, it consists of 6 different panels, by creating one of these I feel our target audience of teenage girls would be more attracted to it, as they may feel they are getting more for their money. It is important that when I come to creating my digipak, I ensure that it has a consistent house style. I feel that if each panel is different, it would look all random and less professional. Therefore, to gain more ideas, I am going to deconstruct an existing Digipaks to see how they have made each panel link and the type of things they have included.

As well as creating a DigiPak to promote the song, I am also going to make magazine promotions. I am planning on doing one to promote the single 'Like We Used To' and also a tour poster to promote the artist, Jonny. All products have to relate to each other and have the same house style, this will help to show people that they link. I could do this by using similar fonts, image effects and colours. Cross-promotion could be done on the products, for example on the image to the right, The Script have used their tour poster to help promote their album too by including a small image in the bottom left. This is benificial for artists as it helps to cut costs rather than having loads of different promotions. I am going to now go on to deconstruct some more magazine promotion posters and then start with the creation of my products.

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