Here are my chosen images for my product: album cover, album poster and tour poster. I am going to jusify my reason of choice below:
Album Cover:
This image stood out to me as Jonny is looking directly at the camera and I felt that his eyes really help to draw viewers in. I liked the fact he is holding the guitar, helping to make a connection with the music video. From this. it helps to make the genre more recognisable and helps to create a house style in order to link all of my products together. He is wearing the same coat as he wear when walking in the rain in our video, this helps to show the connection between the them. Also. in a part of the video where Jonny is walking around the streets in the rain, you can see the brick walls in the background behing, again helping to link the products well.
Album Magazine Poster:

Again, the strong eye contact in this image is successful in attracting people attention and drawing them in to reading the poster. The image is similar to the above one, they are taken in the same location but just from different camera angles. I felt that by using a different shot for the poster, it helps to make all the products more varied and interesting. I feel that the similarity of the two shots works well in linking the products and showing the connection between them. I think that his facial expression in this shot is really successful, especially his eyes, and I feel that our target audience of teenage girls will be really attracted to it.
Tour Poster: This is the chosen image that I have decided to use for the tour poster. I chose this image as again it is similar to the others, allowing people to easily make a connection between all of the products. He is holding the guitar again, helping to connote that he is really into his music. Also, there is the connection of the brick walls in each of the images. This image allows me to have room to write all the tour dates, which is important. The text needs to be easy to read, so using this image means that I can clearly write all the text on the wall. He is not looking at the camera in this image, however I don't feel that this is necessary for the tour poster as I want people to be attracted to the text.
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