Saturday, 24 November 2012

Filming - 24/11/12

The weather today was not as we were expecting so therefore we did not end up going to Exmouth. We needed the weather to be dry so we could go to Exmouth to shoot some more of the happy couple together, however it was raining most of the day. If we were to film the shots at Exmouth in the rain, it would make the atmosphere more dull and would not be positively connoting their happy relationship. So, today we spent the time in Ottery filming Jonny in the rain, walking to Jess' house and we also carried out the bed scene again. We believed our previous shots for the bed scene were slightly boring and to help engage the viewers we came up with some different shots what hopefully will be better in attracting people to our video. The filming in the rain was successful, we were able to capture Jonny's emotions to help show how much he's missing Jess and wanting her back. These shots were particulary harder as we Jonny had to rememer the lyrics and lip sync the words. However, it all went okay and we are pleased with the shots we carried out. The only slight problem we may have is the fact that in the shots it isn't really clear to viewers that it is raining, so hopefully his expressions will help to show his sadness.

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