Friday, 12 October 2012

Media Language

The main theme that our music video is based upon is love and relationships. It focuses on both a happy couple and a lonely ex boyfriend. It shows audience how the guy is dealing with the break up and how their life's have now completely changed. The audience will know our video is based on relationships due to the shots we plan to include, such as a couple: holding hands, hugging and enjoying themselves. They will also know about the break up as at the beginning it is going to be Jonny and Jess together and then it will be focussing on Jess in her new relationship with Tom, and Jonny being left all lonely and sad.

To sum up the narrative, basically a couple break up, the girl moves on but the guy is left wanting her back. Our unique selling point of our video is that the cast are good looking; they are all friends and get on well. Also, most of the shots are going to be shot in Sidmouth, making the video local. Furthermore, the music is a mixed genre of pop rock; therefore we are going to have some of the pop conventions and some of the rock conventions, which will make our video more different and unique.

All music videos take viewers on a 'journey', and we aim that our music video makes the audience feel very sympathetic to the ex-boyfriend. But on the other hand we want them to also feel happy towards the cute couple. It could inspire them to possibly want to be in a relationship or could make them personally reflect on their own experiences they have had and relationships they may have been in.

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